Truly I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you have done it to Me.
— Matthew 25:40

Sponsor a Child

The Compassion Home operates through the generous donations of people who want to bless the children of Thailand. The sponsorship for one child is $75 per month. This money helps to cover the cost of schooling, room and board and general operating costs of the Compassion Home. Each child has a unique background and unique needs. Some children have parents that are able to help cover a small portion of their child's expenses while others have nothing. We have decided to make the sponsorship a rounded $75 per child rather than trying to adjust the sponsorship amount for each child. We encourage sponsors to sponsor a child through high school although that is not required. Please do consider joining in the work of the Compassion Home by sponsoring one of our children.

The children are currently all sponsored!

Thank you for your support